Parking in California by towns and suburbs:
- Acorn
- Acton
- Adams-Normandie
- Adams North
- Adams Park
- Adams Point
- Alameda
- Alamo Square
- Albany
- Allendale
- Alondra Park
- Altadena
- Alvarado Estates
- Anaheim
- Anaheim Resort
- Angeles Mesa
- Angelino Heights
- Angelus Vista
- Antioch
- Anza Vista
- Aquatic Park
- Arleta
- Arlington Heights
- Artesia
- Artesia Pilar
- Arts District
- Ashbury Heights
- Ashland
- Assumption Parish
- Atwater Village
- Avalon
- Azalea Park
- Azusa
- Balboa Hollow
- Balboa Park
- Balboa Terrace
- Baldwin Hills
- Baldwin Park
- Baldwin Village
- Baldwin Vista
- Bankers Hill
- Barrio Logan
- Bay Ho
- Bay Park
- Bayridge
- Bayview
- Beachwood Canyon
- Bel Air
- Belden Place
- Bell
- Bella Vista
- Belle Air North
- Bellflower
- Bell Gardens
- Benedict Canyon
- Berkeley
- Bernal Heights
- Beverly Crest
- Beverly Glen
- Beverly Grove
- Beverly Hills
- Beverly Hills Post Office
- Beverlywood
- Birdland
- Blanco - Culver Crest
- Boyle Heights
- Brentwood
- Brentwood Circle
- Brentwood Glen
- Brisbane
- Broadmoor
- Broadway Auto Row
- Broadway Heights
- Broadway-Manchester
- Brookfield Village
- Brookside
- Buena Vista
- Bunker Hill
- Burlingame
- Bushrod
- Butchertown
- Cahuenga Pass
- California Institute of Technology
- Canoga Park
- Carson
- Carthay
- Castle
- Castle Heights
- Castro
- Castro Valley
- Cathedral Hill
- Cayuga Terrace
- Central-Alameda
- Central LA
- Central LA
- Central Richmond
- Central San Jose
- Central Sunset
- Century
- Century City
- Charter Oak
- Chatsworth
- Cherokee Park
- Cherokee Point
- Cherryland
- Chesterfield Square
- Cheviot Hills
- China Basin
- Chinatown
- Chinatown
- Chinatown
- Chollas Creek
- Citrus
- City Center
- City Heights
- Civic Center
- Civic Center
- Civic Center
- Claremont
- Claremont
- Clarendon Heights
- Cleveland Heights
- Clinton
- Cole Valley
- Colina Del Sol
- College Area
- College East
- College West
- Colma
- Columbia Gardens
- Commerce
- Compton
- Concord
- Contra Costa Centre
- Core-Columbia
- Coronado
- Corona Heights
- Corridor
- Cortez Hill
- Costa Mesa
- Country Club
- Covina
- Cow Hollow
- Crenshaw
- Crestmont
- Crestwood Hills
- Crocker-Amazon
- Crocker Highlands
- Cudahy
- Culver City
- Cypress Park
- Cypress Village
- Daly City
- Del Aire
- Del Cerro
- Del Rey
- Design District
- Diamond Heights
- Dimond District
- Dogpatch
- Dogtown
- Dolores Heights
- Downey
- Downtown
- Downtown
- Downtown
- Downtown
- Downtown
- Downtown Anaheim
- Downtown Castro Valley
- Downtown LA
- Downtown Oakland
- Downtown San Diego
- Downtown San Jose
- Downtown Santa Monica
- Duboce Triangle
- Eagle Rock
- East Gate Bel Air
- East Hollywood
- Eastlake
- Eastmont
- East Pasadena
- East Peralta
- East Rancho Dominguez
- East Richmond Heights
- Eastside
- East Side Costa Mesa
- East Village
- East Village
- Echo Park
- Edendale
- El Cerrito
- Elmhurst
- El Segundo
- Elysian Heights
- Elysian Park
- Elysian Valley
- Embarcadero
- Emeryville
- Eureka Valley
- Evans
- Excelsior
- Exposition Park
- Faircrest Heights
- Fairfax
- Fairmount Park
- Fairmount Village
- Fashion District
- Filipinotown
- Fillmore
- Financial District
- Financial District
- Fisherman's Wharf
- Florence
- Florence-Graham
- Flower District
- Foothill
- Forest Hill
- Forest Knolls
- Forestland
- Fountain Valley
- Fox Canyon
- Franklin Hills
- Fruitvale
- Fullerton
- Gallery Row
- Gardena
- Garvanza
- Gaslamp Quarter
- Gateway
- Ghosttown
- Gilroy
- Glassell Park
- Glendale
- Glen Highlands
- Glen Park
- Glenview
- Golden Gate
- Golden Gate Heights
- Golden Gate Heights
- Golden Hill
- Gramercy Park
- Granada Hills
- Granada Hills
- Grand Lake
- Grant Hill
- Grantville
- Grass Valley
- Green Meadows
- Griffith Park
- Haight-Ashbury
- Hancock Park
- Harbor
- Harbor City
- Harbor City
- Harbor Gateway
- Harbor Gateway North
- Harborview
- Harvard Heights
- Harvard Park
- Havenscourt
- Hawthorne
- Hayes Valley
- Hayward
- Hermon
- Hermosa Beach
- Hermosa Village
- Hesperia
- Hidden Valley
- Highland Park
- Highland Park
- Highland Park
- Highland Terrace
- Hillcrest
- Hiller Highlands
- Hillside
- Historic Core
- Historic South-Central
- Hollywood
- Hollywood
- Hollywood Dell
- Hollywood Hills
- Holmby Hills
- Hoover-Foster
- Huntington Park
- Hyde Park
- India Basin
- Ingleside
- Inglewood
- Ingold - Milldale
- Inner Richmond
- Inner Sunset
- Irish Hill
- Irvine
- Irvine Business Complex
- Irvine Spectrum Center
- Irwindale
- Islais Creek
- Islenair
- Ivy Hill
- Jack London District
- Jack London Square
- Jackson Square
- Japantown
- Jefferson Park
- Jewelry District
- Jingletown
- Jordan Park
- Kensington
- Kensington
- Kinney Heights
- Koreatown
- Ladera
- Ladera Heights
- LA Downtown Industrial District
- Lafayette Square
- Laguna Honda
- La Jolla Farms
- La Jolla Heights
- La Jolla Shores
- La Jolla Village
- Lake Balboa
- Lake Forest
- Lake Merritt
- Lakeshore
- Lakeshore
- Lakeshore
- Lakeside
- Lakeside Apartments District
- Lake Street
- Lake Temescal
- Lancaster
- Laney College
- Larchmont
- Laurel
- Laurel Canyon
- Laurel Heights
- La Verne
- Lawndale
- Leimert Park
- Lemon Grove
- Lennox
- Leona Heights
- Liberty Station
- Lincoln Heights
- Lincoln Highlands
- Lincoln Manor
- Linda Vista
- Little Armenia
- Little Ethiopia
- Little Hollywood
- Little Italy
- Little Italy
- Little Russia
- Little Saigon
- Little Tokyo
- Lockwood Gardens
- Logan Heights
- Loma Palisades
- Loma Portal
- Lomita
- Lone Mountain
- Long Beach
- Longfellow
- Los Altos
- Los Angeles
- Los Feliz
- Lower Bal
- Lower Bottoms
- Lower Haight
- Lower Nob Hill
- Lower Pacific Heights
- Lynn
- Lynwood
- Manchester Square
- March ARB
- Marina
- Marina del Rey
- Marina District
- Marina Peninsula
- Marshall School
- Marston Hills
- Maxwell Park
- Mayflower Village
- Maywood
- McManus
- Meadow Brook
- Melrose
- Melrose Hill
- Memorial
- Merced Heights
- Merced Manor
- Merritt
- Merriwood
- Mid Central
- Mid-City
- Mid-City
- Mid-City
- Mid-City
- Middle East Oakland
- Middletown
- Mid-Market
- Midtown Terrace
- Midway District
- Mid-Wilshire
- Miracle Mile
- Miraloma
- Miraloma Park
- Mission Bay
- Mission Bay Park
- Mission Beach
- Mission Beach
- Mission District
- Mission Dolores
- Mission/Foothills
- Mission Hills
- Mission Hills
- Mission Terrace
- Mission Valley
- Mission Valley East
- Mission Valley West
- Montclair
- Montclair
- Montclair
- Montclair Business District
- Montecito Heights
- Monterey Heights
- Monterey Hills
- Morena
- Morgan Hill
- Mosswood Park
- Mountain View
- Mountain View Acres
- Mountain View Cemetery
- Mount Davidson
- Mount Hope
- Mount Washington
- Muirlands West
- Naud Junction
- Nevada City
- Newport Beach
- Newport Center
- Nichols Canyon
- Nob Hill
- Noe Valley
- NoHo
- NoHo Arts District
- Normal Heights
- North Beach
- North Berkeley
- North Central
- North Clairemont
- Northeast Anaheim
- Northeast Hills
- Northeast Los Angeles
- Northeast Torrance
- North El Monte
- Northgate - Waverly
- North Hills
- North Hills
- North Hollywood
- North Los Altos
- North Oakland
- North of Panhandle
- North Ontario
- North Park
- North Redondo
- North Richmond
- North San Jose
- Northwest Anaheim
- Norwalk
- Oak Center
- Oak Glen Park
- Oakland
- Oakland Ave - Harrison St
- Oakland Hills
- Oakland Point
- Oakmore
- Oak Park
- Oak Tree
- Oakwood
- Ocean Beach
- Ocean Park
- Oceanview
- Old Bank District
- Old Oakland
- Old Town
- Old Town Torrance
- Orange
- Outer Mission
- Outer Richmond
- Outer Sunset
- Outpost Estates
- Pacheco
- Pacific - Edison
- Pacific Heights
- Pacific Palisades
- Pacoima
- Palms
- Palms
- Panorama City
- Panoramic Hill
- Paradise Valley
- Park La Brea
- Parkmerced
- Parnassus
- Pasadena
- Pearblossom
- Peralta Hacienda
- Picfair Village
- Pico Robertson
- Pico-Union
- Pico-Union
- Piedmont
- Piedmont Avenue
- Piedmont Pines
- Pill Hill
- Placentia
- Playa del Rey
- Playa Vista
- Playhouse Village
- Pleasant Hill
- Poets Corner
- Point Loma Heights
- Point Loma Highlands
- Polk Gulch
- Pomona
- Porter Ranch
- Port of Oakland
- Portola
- Portola Place
- Potrero Hill
- Presidio
- Presidio Heights
- Produce and Waterfront
- Rancho San Antonio
- Rancho San Joaquin
- Redondo Beach
- Redwood Heights
- Redwood Village
- Reseda
- Reservoir Hill
- Rex Manor
- Reynier Village
- Richmond Boulevard
- Richmond District
- Rincon Hill
- Rockridge
- Rolando Village
- Rose Hills
- Rose Hills
- Russian Hill
- Rustic Canyon
- Sacramento
- Saint Francis Wood
- Saint Mary Cemetery
- San Antonio
- San Bruno
- San Diego
- San Dimas
- San Fernando
- San Francisco
- San Jose
- San Leandro
- San Lorenzo
- San Pasqual
- San Pedro
- Santa Ana
- Santa Anita
- Santa Clara
- Santa Fe
- Santa Monica
- Seminary
- Serra Mesa
- Shadow Hills
- Sheffield Village
- Shepherd Canyon
- Sherman Heights
- Sherman Oaks
- Sherwood Forest
- Signal Hill
- Silver Lake
- Silver Terrace
- Skid Row
- Sobrante Park
- Solano Canyon
- Soledad South
- SoMa
- Sonoratown
- Sorrento Mesa
- Sorrento Valley
- South Beach
- South Berkeley
- South Central
- South Coast Metro
- Southcrest
- Southeast Hills
- South End
- South Gate
- South Los Angeles
- South Los Angeles
- South Monrovia Island
- South Montebello
- South Montebello
- South Montebello
- South Park
- South Park
- South Park
- South Redondo
- South Robertson
- South San Francisco
- South Whittier
- Spaulding Square
- Stockton
- Studio City
- Sunland
- Sunnydale
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyvale
- Sunset Junction
- Sunset Park
- Sunset Strip
- Sun Valley
- Sun Valley
- Swan Canyon
- Sylmar
- Sylmar
- Talmadge
- Tarzana
- Telegraph Hill
- Temescal
- Tenderloin
- Teralta East
- Teralta West
- Toluca Lake
- Torrance
- Torrey Hills
- Torrey Pines
- Toy District
- Treasure Island
- Trestle Glen
- Tujunga
- Tustin
- Tuxedo
- Twin Peaks
- Union City
- Union Square
- University City
- University Heights
- University Mound
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of California, San Francisco
- University of San Francisco
- University of Southern California
- University Park
- University Park North
- Upper Dimond
- Upper Market
- Upper Rockridge
- Uptown
- Uptown Whittier
- Valley Glen
- Valley Glen
- Valley Village
- Van Nuys
- Venice
- Verdugo Viejo
- Vermont Knolls
- Vermont-Slauson
- Vermont Square
- Vermont Vista
- Vernon
- Victor Heights
- Victoria Park
- View Park-Windsor Hills
- Village Green
- Visitacion Valley
- Walnut Park
- Warehouse District
- Washington
- Waterfront
- Waterfront
- Webster
- West Adams
- West Athens
- West Carson
- Westchester
- Westchester
- West Covina
- Westdale
- Western Addition
- Western Heights
- West Hills
- West Hollywood
- Westlake
- West Los Angeles
- Westmont
- West Oakland
- West Portal
- West Rancho Dominguez
- Westside Village
- West Whittier-Los Nietos
- Westwood
- Westwood Highlands
- Westwood Park
- Westwood Village
- Whitley Heights
- Whittier
- Wholesale District
- Wilcox
- Willowbrook
- Willow Glen
- Wilmington
- Wilshire Center
- Wilshire Park
- Windsor Square
- Winnetka
- Woodland Hills
- Woodminster
- Yerba Buena
- Yucca Valley